Festival of Wellbeing 2022 
Event Report

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Festival of Wellbeing Event Report 2022 FINAL.pdf

Our Festival theme is Awareness, Belonging and Connection.

We aimed to create an atmosphere for open, inclusive, safe and welcoming connections, experiences and conversation.

Event snapshot

 Hosted wellbeing spaces – Activities – Workshops – Kindness Table – Golden Wellbeing Tickets – Food – Art – Craft – Kids games – Wellbeing Tree – Mental Health Support Services – Local Community Groups and Clubs

*including contributors

The inaugural Festival of Wellbeing held in 2021 emerged as one of the community projects designed and delivered by participants in the Break O’Day Community Wellbeing Project. Project participants and volunteers worked with community to deliver the day with support from Break O’Day Council.

The 2022 Festival was organised by Break O’Day Council with involvement and input from our community. We did our best to recreate or build on many of the wonderful concepts and approaches created by the 2021 team. We are grateful for the amazing foundations laid down in 2021.


We are grateful for the funding and support of our key contributors in 2022.

$1,800 Mental Health Week Grant – Mental Health Council of Tasmania.

$1,000 Residual Sponsorship from 2021 – National Recovery and Resilience Agency –
Australian Government.

$500 Break O’Day Community Wellbeing Project – Tasmanian Community Fund – specifically
to support involvement of wellbeing project participants and promotion to broader

$500 Break O’Day Council And additional in-kind contributions for venue costs, event
planning, risk assessment, staff–time at the event.

Adjustments to Festival Event Plan

Break O’Day Council made a decision based on the Festival Risk Management Plan to shift to a modified program due to rain and wind forecast. All outside contributors were invited inside with a modified timetable and some adjusted activities. Sadly, we could not include the planned smoking ceremony or the therapy ponies this year but Aunty Jeanymaree Welcomed us to Country inside and Red Robin Hollow hosted an inside horse-themed activity for children.

The Family Food Truck broke down and was unavailable at short notice. We missed them and this meant we had less food options than we intended, but our food providers did a fabulous job of offering a range of foods and drinks for everyone and keeping up with demand. 

About the day

The success of this event is the culmination of everything that our community and visiting Wellbeing Champions bring to it. It is their generosity and wisdom that creates this day of Wellbeing for everyone.

The Break O’Day Community Wellbeing Project funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund continues to provide strong foundations and support for people to participate in creating wellbeing opportunities for others around them.

Event Details

Where:    Bendigo Bank Community Stadium Tully St, St Helens

When:    Thursday 6 October (Launceston Show Day) Gates open 11am-4pm Additional Network time 10-11am on the day for contributors to get to know each other and check out the site.

What:      Interactive activities, demonstrations, supported conversations, come and try, goodie bags, resource library, food, Kindness Treasure Hunt, Golden Tickets.

Festival Vision

A celebration of all things wellbeing, our theme aligned with the Mental Health Week theme of Awareness, Belonging Connection, and our approach is to encourage Wellbeing Conversations. We encouraged and supported contributors to develop their activities around these themes and approaches.

Awareness – get curious and uncover the people, places and support available in our community.

Belonging – you belong here, you are seen, heard, and valued.

Connection – we live here together, our community is amazing, let's talk about how we can make it even better together.

Access and Inclusion

Careful consideration about accessibility and inclusivity formed part of our event planning. This included considerations of access to the venue and the accessibility of the promotional material for everyone. Creating a culturally safe and welcoming space for everyone was also a priority.

An access and inclusion statement was available on the Festival website to help set the intention for us and for all Festival contributors and visitors.

Festival Map

The day in pictures

Festival activities

Kindness Table

Over 37 gifts generously donated to the Kindness Table meant that many festival-goers took home a fabulous prize for finding a hidden Kindness Card.

Everyone learnt more about paying kindness forward from the Wellbeing Certificate volunteers when they chose their prize.

Golden Wellbeing Tickets

All the fun of the Golden Wellbeing Tickets returned this year. Festival-goers were challenged to visit at least 30 wellbeing spaces and collect a sticker for their Festival Map to go in the draw for a Golden Wellbeing Ticket. Five tickets were drawn and winners can spend $100 with a Wellbeing Champion of their choice.

Wellbeing Tree

The Wellbeing Tree was a fun and colourful way to collect messages of gratitude at the Festival. The Wellbeing Tree is one of the community projects from the Break O’Day Community Wellbeing Project. 

Gratitude Messages


Advertising & Promotion


Our promotion campaign commenced in early August, with different formats and ways of communicating used to try to reach as many people as possible.

Promotion will be strengthened as the day becomes embedded as an annual event.

In 2022 advertising and promotion included:

A Festival Facebook page was created on 8 August 2022. www.facebook.com/FestivalOfWellbeingBreakODay 

The Communities of Wellbeing website built in 2021 was used to host the 2022 Festival information.

2022 Festival webpages:



Feedback as of 31 October 2022 from 24 respondents to an online survey and some additional emails and social media comments.

Awareness, Belonging and Connection

 “I learnt about all the mental health services available to the community - so great to see so many of them there :)” - Awareness

95.8% of respondents reported feeling more aware of wellbeing opportunities or support services in their community with %50 much more aware.

“It is a wonderful event that I am happy to help out volunteering” – Belonging

Everyone who responded to the survey reported feeling a stronger sense of belonging in their community. With 41.7% much stronger.

“Great way to connect with local providers and businesses in the community”

- Connection

95.9% of respondents reported making new or stronger connections to others in their community.

What was great about the day?

“Such a wonderful day! This community just keeps getting better so grateful to be a part of something so inspiring! Beautiful people everywhere!”

“A wonderful event. Well done everybody involved”

“Congratulations!!! on a wonderful Festival of Wellbeing. It looked amazing on facebook and I have heard lots of positive comments about it around town.”

 “Many people, like minded visitors/stallholders, positive vibe, family friendly, activities”

“The range of presenters and food and transport from Fingal. The optimism in the room for great things. The involvement of people in activities and services.”

“There are so many wonderful people out there that care for each other and our community.”

“Organisers and participants did a fabulous job, the energy was amazing. So many activities! Everyone was friendly and worked well together.”

“I had a smile on my face all day!”

What can we do better next time?

“Something that wasn't well advertised I guess? And on a public holiday? Hmm would have liked to check things out...” – Facebook comment

“Many have said they did not know about it, don't listen to radio or get the local papers and would have liked more directions a sign on the gate and a sign at Tully St showing the way and many noticed the arts signs but nothing for this and might be confusing with things close together.”

“Better PA system - it was really difficult to hear the MC.” “The audio/stadium acoustics were not great.”

“There were mixed feelings in the community regarding the date as not all people have the public holiday off but in saying that not all people have the weekends off.”

“Being held on Launceston Show Day greatly increased the cost for services to participate, especially those travelling from the North due to penalty rates.”

Some key things for the 2023 festival team to consider…

Date - Mixed responses about choice of date but Saturday appears to be just preferable to Launceston Show Day. School holidays works well.

Marketing - Enhance and expand advertising. Easy read flyers. Roadside signs.

Venue - Some challenges to address about sound in the venue and access to cash.

More Information

Break O’Day Council


Wellbeing@bodc.tas.gov.au   6376 7900   0439 826 491